January 13, 2011

Job 1- 3

6:19 PM 1/9/2011

Job 1

For someone who is bent on the destruction of mankind, it sounds awkward, even absurd, to allow Satan to appear before God.

The series of tragedies that came to Job in one day is a combination of natural disasters and violence.  And yet, all of these were allowed by God, since when He allowed Satan to do harm to Job, it was not specified how or in what manner.

Is it possible that Job had considered how all of these can happen in one day if not for something supernatural happening? Hence his reaction.

Job 2

I am wondering what is the nature why the "sons of God" needed to present themselves.

I am also wondering how long it has been since the disasters that happen to Job's life and this period.

These passages also show the extent of power that Satan has, in terms of controlling nature as well as human will.

To accept adversity from God may be such a strange concept to modern Christians who are sees God thru the lens of a generous Father.  

Job's friends did not went out to see Job during the first set of tragedies that happened to him.  Either he did not went so far as to make too much news of it.  Or his friends have come to realize how serious things now are.  

Job 3

I wonder what is the purpose of Job's speech.  Maybe it's a simple way of finding consolation, of reaching out to people who are now there to possibly listen to him.

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