February 24, 2011

After Two Months - An Update

It's been almost two months since I started to read the Bible using a personal reading plan that I think will work for me.  As I indicated in another post I've decided to read through the Bible by dividing it into 6 categories.  I should read 3 chapters per day for each category, except for one where I should read 5, for a total of 20 chapters per week.  Since there are 6 categories, Sundays will be used as a way to catch up or simply take a break from the routine.  If all goes according to plan, on average I would be able to finish the whole Bible in about 60 weeks.  Some categories I would have read more than once (like the Gospels and Old Testament history), while the other categories I would have read more than halfway into.  Which means by the next cycle, my weekly readings would be composed of different chapters or books compared to this cycle.  

Now for the update:  I should have read 154 chapters as of yesterday, but I managed to read 159, or 5 chapters more.  This despite of not being able to read the Bible for about a week straight, as I tried to recuperate from some physical stress, plus not being able to read the required number of chapters per day (or at all) in some days.  What compensated for it are the times I read the Bible on Sundays, and reading more than the required number of chapters in a day when my senses are up.

From these two months I learned a couple of things that I would like to share to maybe help you out or encourage you:

1.   Have a plan that fits you.
2.  Don't get side-tracked by questions that may arise.  Take note of them and spend    time studying them.  But keep moving in your reading plan.
3.   If you missed a day (or even a week), just resolve to get back on track.

4.   Read the Bible whenever and wherever it's possible. 
5.  Read thoughtfully, but don't be bothered if you don't seem to recall much.  It will come eventually.  
6.   Pause to consider what you are reading.  This is not a speed-reading contest.
7.   Don't push your limits just to keep to the schedule.  The plan is not your master.
8.   Most importantly, discuss it with the Author as you are reading and throughout the day.

Have a blessed day everyone!

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