March 13, 2011

Lent Devotional in YouVersion

I am currently going through the Lent reading plan of YouVersion, which started last March 9.  I was a day late, so I only knew today that the 46-day plan ending on Easter Sunday will allow me to go through the book of Mark, as well as a considerable amount of readings elsewhere in the Bible.  That will complement my regular reading plan and get me through more of the Gospels.  Since the plan does not have a reading on Sundays (because the counting of Lent days likewise do not include Sundays), you can still catch up if you start it today.  

The concept of Lent is not very familiar to me, particularly because I associate it simply with the "Ash Wednesday" practice.  I didn't understood its real concept of commemorating Jesus' forty days of tempting in the desert.  I guess that's a glimpse of my understanding of the Bible and God as well.  It really is an opportune time of discovery for me.

While I am at it, I find that the 21-day reading plan about fasting also from YouVersion is quite a related area of study.  I am doing both reading plans together, although I picked them up on different days and for totally unrelated reasons.  The reading plan on fast is intended for someone who is going through a fast, but I find that even though I am not doing a fast right now, it can prepare me when I do one.  

One thing to keep in mind when going through a topical reading plan is that you should not neglect your primary reading plan, which should be one that takes you through majority of the Bible in a given period of time, such as one year.  The topical reading plans can add color and variety to your readings, but it should not be a replacement to a read-through-the-Bible reading plan.  

Check out these reading plans at YouVersion, as well as others that may be of interest to you.  Have a blessed Sunday.

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